You also shouldn't text when you are sitting in traffic not moving. I learned that lesson the hard way today. I was sitting in traffic today on my way to work, and heard a concert anouncement on the radio for a band that I love. Since I was at a dead stand still I decided to send Brett a quick text to tell him how excited I was.
"Aaaahhh! 3oh!3 is coming in concert!"
That was all I said. Some idiot apparently saw me sending the aforementioned text message, while I was sitting in traffic not moving, and decided it was necessary to call the police to inform them that I was texting and driving. About ten minutes later I saw red and blue lights flashing in my rear view mirror.
I don't know how much the ticket is going to cost yet, but I can guarantee you that we won't be at that concert when it comes around.
People are assholes.
April 15, 2010
April 5, 2010
The true definition of shindig
This year for my birthday Brett had some elaborate plans, and they were all top secret. I am not the type that does well with waiting for surprises, whether it is waiting to surprise someone myself or knowing that I have a surprise coming my way. I am what you would call, impatient.
In the weeks leading up to my birthday I was freaquently asked to leave the room so that Brett could discuss the pending birthday plans with his sister, or not to enter the garage due to the construction of a super secret birthday gift. He was working on projects, making plans, and doing a VERY good job of keeping it all secret. The suspense was killing me.
Each day the week of my birthday I recieved a different gift*. It made each day so exciting to look forward to! All of the gifts were amazingly thoughtful, and so much fun!
Then the big day came. The gift that he gave me on my actual birthday was something that I had been wanting for a really long time, so I was so excited to get it. Then when I found out that we would be venturing to the Schlange's house for dinner that night, I immediately packed it up so that we could all enjoy it together. The dinner plans were, as I thought anyway, last minute and I couldn't be happier that I would be spending my birthday evening with my three favorite people.
When we arrived at the Schlange residence, to my surprise, the entire house was decorated with balloons, streamers, confetti, and a huge happy birthday banner. I was a little shocked at how overboard Shay had gone to decorate the house just for the four of us to have dinner. But then again, she always does this kind of stuff, so I didn't think much of it at first. When I got my new job she decorated her house and baked me a cake to celebrate over pizza. She's a rock star.
That's when they sprung it on me. I wasn't just there for a little birthday dinner after all, on the docket for the evening was a surprise Mardi Gras costume party. Do you even understand how cool that is? A costume party in the middle of March!! It was such an amazing surprise. They even had costumes ready and waiting. They seriously thought of everything. Costumes, masquerade masks, food, music, drinks, and a long list of guests. Remember how Shay wasn't allowed to buy me anything for my birthday since she paid for me to have my nose peirced on New Year's Eve as an early birthday gift? She found a way around it.
In the weeks leading up to my birthday I was freaquently asked to leave the room so that Brett could discuss the pending birthday plans with his sister, or not to enter the garage due to the construction of a super secret birthday gift. He was working on projects, making plans, and doing a VERY good job of keeping it all secret. The suspense was killing me.
Each day the week of my birthday I recieved a different gift*. It made each day so exciting to look forward to! All of the gifts were amazingly thoughtful, and so much fun!
Then the big day came. The gift that he gave me on my actual birthday was something that I had been wanting for a really long time, so I was so excited to get it. Then when I found out that we would be venturing to the Schlange's house for dinner that night, I immediately packed it up so that we could all enjoy it together. The dinner plans were, as I thought anyway, last minute and I couldn't be happier that I would be spending my birthday evening with my three favorite people.
When we arrived at the Schlange residence, to my surprise, the entire house was decorated with balloons, streamers, confetti, and a huge happy birthday banner. I was a little shocked at how overboard Shay had gone to decorate the house just for the four of us to have dinner. But then again, she always does this kind of stuff, so I didn't think much of it at first. When I got my new job she decorated her house and baked me a cake to celebrate over pizza. She's a rock star.
That's when they sprung it on me. I wasn't just there for a little birthday dinner after all, on the docket for the evening was a surprise Mardi Gras costume party. Do you even understand how cool that is? A costume party in the middle of March!! It was such an amazing surprise. They even had costumes ready and waiting. They seriously thought of everything. Costumes, masquerade masks, food, music, drinks, and a long list of guests. Remember how Shay wasn't allowed to buy me anything for my birthday since she paid for me to have my nose peirced on New Year's Eve as an early birthday gift? She found a way around it.
The night was amazing, and we met a lot of really fun new people. There was only one situation that got slightly out of hand, and lets just say that Brett and Chaz may have had to physically remove an inebriated neighbor from the premesis. Other than that, the night went fatastic.
Who could ask for a better birthday? Not me! I wish I could turn 25 everyday!

*In case you were wondering....
Monday - UVU hoodie {So Cute!}
Tuesday - Tickets to Alice and Wonderland along with the book {Such a good movie}
Wednesday - Awesome new jewelry holder for my bedroom
Thursday - A trip to Colr Me Mine in Orem to paint ceramics {SO fun!!}
Friday - The Sims 2 Castaway Wii game
Saturday - Nintendo Wii
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