November 13, 2010

Dry Spell

It has been three weeks since Brett and I have had any alcohol. We are trying to take six months off, since lately we have been over doing it. It feels good not to wake up on a Saturday morning with a hangover, feeling like I'd rather die than vomit one more time, but at the same time I find myself wishing I had a drink.

I think I miss it because I'm just so used to it.

This time, unlike the times we've tried this in the past, we're gonna stay on the wagon and ride it out. It'll be tough to do during the holidays, and especially New Years Eve, but we aren't going to give in.

Check back soon for a Halloween post. I still can't believe I haven't posted about it yet.


  1. Shouldn't be too bad on new years anyway, they don't serve booze at the local ward party.
    (shaking head) seriously (shaking head)

  2. I see you've decided to start abbreviating your name. Creative.

    We won't be coming to your house for New Years if you have decided to host your ward party there. Just so you know. So if you want to see us that night, then I would recommend you tell them to go somewhere else.

  3. No we are having a booze party, I just figured since you are not drinking on new years you guys finally made up your mind on going to that highland 10th ward party like you guys had been talking about.


Come on! Tell us what's on your mind. You know you want to....