June 14, 2011

Butter Yo Shit!

I came across this video on Dooce the other day and just about died laughing.  Okay, so I didn't just about die, but I did pee my pants a little.

This bitch is funny. 

If you haven't had enough of the hilarity, head on over to her website and watch the other six My Drunk Kitchen episodes: HERE


  1. I am sorry Kaylyn but that was the most painful thing I have ever watched.
    But no worries, your still ccool in my book.

  2. It's okay Chazer. We didn't think that Worlds Greatest Dad was any good either, so we are even.

  3. Wow, someone sounds Surly.

  4. I want to have Hannah's babies!!! I LOVED this!

  5. Update Yo Shit so I don't have to see that bitches face everytime I come to your site.


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