We are Brett and Kaylyn Scothern.
We have been married for nine years, and have a boxer named Belle. As of right now we don’t know what the hell we are doing with our lives. For a little while there we thought that our plan was working out great, and then reality hit. We had been living in our first home for about two years when Brett had an
unfortunate accident that opened our eyes and made us realize that the path we were on wasn’t going to take us anywhere, and we needed to do something about it. We decided that the smart move would be for us to sell the house and move in with family so that Brett could go back to school.
So, here we are! Living in his sister’s basement, in happy valley Utah, making the total number of occupants in the home we all share, nine. Unless you count the dogs, then it’s eleven. Needless to say, it gets pretty crazy around here, but we are making the best of it and trying to have a good time.
Brett just finished his bachelor's degree in art and visual communications from Utah Valley University, and has been working as a graphic designer for an adventure travel company for the past six months. His job is a perfect fit because he loves anything to do with the outdoors, playing basketball, extreme sports, adrenaline, fast cars, and working out.
I work for a local health insurance company, and though it's not the job of my dreams, it'll do for now. I am extremely happy where I am, and am so lucky to be surrounded by great people. Eventually my plan is to become an author, and I am slowly working on writing my first book. I love to read, play board games, write, and listen to music.
We have some of the
best friends in the whole world, and spend all the time that we can hanging out with them. We love taking road trips, making each other laugh, cooking together, watching movies, playing with our dog, spending time with family, vacations, telling jokes, and just spending time with each other.
Welcome to our blog!!