January 21, 2011

How to Annoy a Co-worker

I work in a large office building with roughly 200 employees that are on the same floor as me.  They do stupid shit that pisses me off on a daily basis.  Here are a few of the things that annoy me:
  • They eat my lunch out of the fridge, even if my name is written on it
  • They don't always flush the toilet
  • They forward every email that they ever receive to everyone in the company assuming that we all have the same dumb humor they do
  • If their food makes a mess in the microwave they don't always clean it up, apparently they think their mom works here too
  • They park like assholes
  • They talk into my ear telling me the same old stories every single day, even if it is obvious that I am trying to ignore them
  • They come up and talk to me when I'm on the phone with a customer
For the most part I like the people that I work with, but anyone who shows the above behavior on a daily basis makes me crazy, and is therefore excluded from being liked.  If you would like to avoid being the person within your company that everyone hates, don't do these things. 

1 comment:

  1. hahaha! i NEVER miss working in an office. neverrrrrrrr.


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