Christian Bale continues to be a great Batman, I think he's the best one yet! The Joker was such an amazing character, and I really think that Heath Ledger did a great job playing him! If you didn't know that it was him under the makeup, you'd never guess it! He did a really great job of masking his accent, there wasn't a hint of Aussie at all, and I thought that was awesome. It's gotta be hard to hide your accent when it's that thick. Now I see what all the buzz has been about, even though I think that too many people thought it was great just because he died. It was a great performance, and that's all that should matter, even if he was still alive it deserves the attention it's getting now.
Great adventure, great action, great love story, great gadgets, great villains, great acting, great plot, great comedy, great movie! If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend you go tonight! It's fantastic.

The only things that I didn't like were the lady with the baby behind me (don't take a baby to a movie unless it's a kids movie, and even then, try not to do it!), the lady in front of me laughing way too loud (even when nothing funny was happening), and the fact that we could hear the music from MAMMA MIA! in the next theater. None of which really had anything to do with the movie!
Go see it!