The Rules:
• Mention the rules on your blog.
• Link the person(s) who tagged you.
• Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
• Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.
• Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged!
I was tagged by
Heather! We have been friends for SO many years, but lost touch for a little while and were recently reunited through the blog world. Thanks for the tag Heather. :)
Here goes nothin'!
1. I really love to travel! I haven't been many places in my lifetime, but the places I have been are super fun! I think that my favorite vacation ever would have to be 2 years ago when Brett and I took the road trip of a lifetime! We started at our house in Tooele and drove to Reno where we got to hang out with his sister Tanya and her cute family for a few days. Then from Reno we drove over the Sierra Mountains into Sacramento, we continued on to San Francisco where we got to see the infamous Golden Gate Bridge! It was awesome. Then we headed down to San Jose where we took a tour of
The Winchester Mystery House. It was so cool, if you ever get a chance to go you should totally do it! From San Jose we drove all the way down the coast of California (Highway 1) to Los Angeles, it was gorgeous!! I got a little bit car sick because of how the road winds in and out with the coastline, but all in all it was a great drive. We stayed with Emily for a few days, and had a lot of fun! We went to Universal Studios, the Santa Monica Pier, had dinner at The Geisha House (where I tried Sushi for the first time, and discovered it wasn't disgusting). Then drove back to Tooele. I think the whole trip lasted like 10 days, and we were in the car for over 36 hours. It was awesome!
2.It is my dream to be an author someday. I love reading and writing, and I have been writing poetry since I was really young. I am currently writing two books, a novel and a children's book. So watch for me at Barnes and Noble someday (hopefully sooner, rather than later). :)
3.I really like quilting. It's my 'old lady' habit, as Brett would put it. :) I think it's a lot of fun to start with just a bunch of scraps of fabric, and then by the time you are done it's a beautiful quilt! Thanks Gwen and Kristi for teaching me all that I know!
4.I love to walk through houses that are being built! I like to go back at different stages of construction and see the progress, and get ideas for our next house.
5.My favorite weekend activity is just hanging out with Brett and Belle. It doesn't matter what we are doing, just as long as we are together. He's my Best Friend in the whole world, and I don't know what I would do without him!
6.I used to make fun of people who had blogs. I didn't understand why someone would waste their time on a website about themselves. Then we started getting pressure from people to join Myspace or Facebook, and since we weren't really into the whole 'looking for new friends on the Internet' idea, I decided that Blogger would be a better way to go. So I gave in and started one, now I have three. :) Funny how things work out, isn't it?
Well that's enough about I want to hear about you! I tag
Brooke D.,
Jodi, and