About eight weeks ago I was at the Dermatologist with Brett, and asked the doctor about the possibility of having said mole removed someday. I was just looking for some information really....Cost, procedure, and healing time. After I asked him about it, he spontaneously offered to do it for me, right then and there. Voila! Mole gone.
Brett has known for a long time that I wanted my nose pierced, and I was sure that I had mentioned it to Shay before, too. Apparently she wasn't aware of my desire because she instantly stopped dead in her tracks as we were leaving the mall that day, and shouted to us both "let's go do it right now!"
I couldn't believe the excitement in her voice. It was like I had just told her that I was going to buy her a new puppy! She was so happy at the thought of someone shoving a needle through my flesh, that I almost questioned her motives. Maybe she doesn't like me as much as I thought she did....
Brett and I both laughed it off. We both knew that with me not having a job at the moment, it just wasn't something we should be spending our money on. But Shay had other plans. After leaving the mall we went to visit Chaz at work, and Shay kept on insisting that we go back to the mall and impale me through the nostril with a metal stud. Chaz also thought that this sounded like a great idea, so to make a joke out of their enthusiasm, I said I would go through with it if they paid for me to have it done. I figured it would get them to shut up about the whole thing because they were both just trying to see how far they could push me, and they really wouldn't want to spend the money to have it done.
I guess that reverse psychology isn't one of my strong points, because plan back fired on me. They both thought that it was a great idea for them to pay. "It will be your early birthday present!" Shay exclaimed.
After Chaz got off work we met him back over at the mall where I had an appointment at the piercing shop. I was terrified, and I almost chickened out.

After about a half hour of trying to talk myself out of it, I realized how much I actually did want to do it. Brett kept on telling me that it was my decision, and I should go through with it only if I really wanted to. Even though I was scared, because I knew it would hurt, I decided that it was now or never. I've always wanted to do it, and now I had the chance. My mole had been removed, and my best friend wanted to buy it for me as a birthday gift. Who was I to rain on her parade?
Now I have a new accessory!

It didn't hurt quite as bad as I had anticipated, and I didn't even cry. Now that I have it I'm really happy that I went through with it! Thanks to the Schlange's for my (3 month) early birthday present!
Schlange the Impaler. HMMMMMM....I really prefer to call myself "the devil's advocate". How many times have I warned you about my skills of persausion. I could sell a ketchup popcicle to a lady in white. Also, I suppose that I am living through you a bit, with my job and how easily I scar weird, I could never get one......but you look FABULOUS!!!! I'm jealous. In India it is a sign of feminity. Girl power!
ReplyDeleteI want my money back, you said I get interest as well so that comes out to be like $100. You can just wire that to me.
ReplyDeleteI don't remember signing any contracts....looks like you are shit out of luck Chaz.
ReplyDeleteI had my nose pierced for quite some time and loved it. I have been thinking about doing it again since I turned 30. It looks super cute on you! BTW, I watched Paranormal Activity. IT WAS LAME!