October 28, 2011

The evening of the enchantress

It has become a tradition for us to attend Witchapalooza at Gardner Village each October, and this year we actually went on Witches Night Out.

I have never seen so many grown-ass women in costumes in one place.  It was amazing.

If you live in Utah, are a fan of Halloween and have never been to Witches Night Out, I highly recommend it for next year! You see so many awesome costumes, the shops are incredible and if you choose to go to the dinner show, there's also great food and entertainment!

There are some professional witches, who go all out on their characters:

Then you get to see a bunch of amateur witches:

I could not believe the effort that went into some of the costumes we saw this year! I would love to be a professional GV witch! Thanks to Shay for making it possible! Every year she orders our tickets way in advance to make sure that we have good seats for the show. I love that we have found this little gathering, and hope that the tradition continues!


  1. Ummmm Excuse me, who ordered the tickets. That's right my friend, Mr. NOTMA did. Swipe of his credit card made it possible for all you bwitches to go to this little festival.

    (Crowd Applauses)
    (NOTMA Bowing)
    Thank You
    (NOTMA Bowing)
    (Crowd Continues to Applaud)

  2. That's right, you did order the tickets. I'm sorry Chazer, I should have given you the credit.

    I just have one question....

    Would you have ordered the tickets if Shay hadn't asked you to?

  3. You bet your ass I would have. I love to buy shit for people. I bought them out of the bottom of my heart.

  4. So you are telling me that you would have known, without Shay's influence, when Witches Night Out tickets went on sale?

    That's right, you spend most of your work week online, so you are probably right......


Come on! Tell us what's on your mind. You know you want to....