February 28, 2011

65 Red Roses

I love reading all different types of blogs.  I like stories, and it interests me to read about different people and the stories that they have to tell.  This is why blogs are good.  You can read about different people around the world and get a glace into what their lives are like. 

I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis, and most of them are great.  Every once in a while though, a blog comes along that knocks me off my feet.  Eva's blog is one of them. 

I found her blog about a year ago, and have been combing through her archives ever since.  I have now read all of her posts, and feel like I have known her all my life.  She died last march, shortly before I found her blog. She was a beautiful woman, both outside and in, and she was my age.

Eva spent her whole life in the fight against Cystic Fibrosis.  She went through a double lung transplant, and things were looking up for her, then about a year later she suffered chronic rejection.  Her blog documents the high points and low points of her life and she is very open about what it is like to live with CF.  They also filmed a documentary about her transplant that will be showing on the OWN network this spring.  I cannot wait to see it.

If you are looking for an inspiring and amazing story to read, Eva's is the one. 

Here is the trailer for 65 Red Roses:

65 Red Roses Trailer from 65redroses on Vimeo.


  1. I found that blog last spring and watched one of the last video messages on it. It was heartbreaking, but I was so inspired by her faith and strength.

  2. I think I know exactly which video you are reffering to. Amazing.


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