November 4, 2009

Not the Radio Flyer you had when you were a kid

In an effort to try and get myself healthier I have decided to give up carbonation and alcohol for thirty days. I know, I KNOW! Trust me, I know. It’s insane.

I will be the first person to admit that this isn’t going to be an easy task. I love a cold Mountain Dew just as much, if not more than anyone else out there, and I don’t know how I am going to fight the temptation every time I go to a restaurant or walk past the soda aisle in the grocery store. I am what you would call a weakling. I do not have much will power at all!

After a long work week there is nothing like a glass of wine, or shot of Vodka to help unwind from the stress that the previous five days has inflicted upon my brain. Not having that for four Friday's in a row is going to be a challenge. I think that it will be worth it in the end though. I am totally out of shape, and if I don't do something about it now things will only get worse.

Brett is going to take my little booze-less journey with me, but for him it won't be as much of a struggle. He has a lot more will power than I do, and he doesn't really drink that much carbonation anyway. He just doesn't like it as much as I do. It will be good to have someone stick by me though, and help me remember the goal that I am trying to accomplish in my moments of weakness.

As of now, I am officially on the wagon. Wish me luck.


  1. You can do it. I absolutely LOVE Cokes, and I haven't had one in over a month. Now, I'd really rather have water. Imagine that. If I can do it, anyone can!

  2. None Other Than Mr. AnonymousNovember 4, 2009 at 12:49 PM

    I quit soda at work all together. I brew fresh iced tea every morning and drink it all day.
    As for being on the wagon I say...FUCK THAT. Have fun, call us in a month.
    Really though what does no alcohol have to do with it. Just use it sparingly and you'll be fine, plus that way you can hang out with us before December rolls around.

  3. So Chaz, let me get this straight... You don't want to hang out with us if we aren't drunk? That's messed up buddy. I thought we were friends!

    The reason behind the no alcohol is because of the calories. Alcohol has A TON of calories, and I don't know how to stop myself after I get started.

  4. Good luck baby :)

  5. Noner Other Than Mr. AnonymousNovember 4, 2009 at 3:35 PM

    Come on you know I love you guys drunk or sober. I guess I just feel like a low life while you guys are sipping water and eating celery sticks and talking about calories and work-out routines and I am chugging down Budweiser pattin my fat belly.

    That's a great goal. Good Luck.
    I haven't had a soda at work for over a month and a half, and they are free which makes it even harder.

  6. Chaz- The drinks are free at my office too. It's going to be tough to stay on track. I might have to tie a ribbon around my finger or something....

    Once I get done with this month though I think it will be easier to control myself in the future.

    Brett- Thanks love! It's going to be a lot easier than I think as long as I have your encouragement! :)

  7. NO alcohol here since april. Havent had a pop for over a week (except I allow myself to have a pop on the day of the holiday ie halloween) next is candy! I'm also buying a jump rope, one of the best workouts! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

  8. Didn't you attempt the no carbonation things once before? But wasn't it only for like 2 weeks or something. And you made it then didn't you? So you can do it this time! You will prevail! Go Kaylyn!

  9. Such a good idea Drinking your calories is such a waste of time especially when there is so much yummy food to waste calories on ha ha!

    Good luck missy! If you dont like water plain try adding crystal light thats what I drink when I have a sugar craving.

  10. Screw that HO fo SHO! I will not support this horrid decision. What kind of friend are you.BOOOO-WHORE!


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