November 6, 2009

Two Hundred

When I first started this blog I had no idea that it would end up being such a big part of my life. I just figured that it would be a good way to keep family and friends that didn't see us very often updated from time to time on what we were up to. Now I find myself compiling posts in my head during the commute home, or when I'm grocery shopping. I am always thinking about what stories I want to tell next, and trying to find the best words to express how I'm feeling at the moment. I have fallen in love with having a place to come and share my words.

Not only have I been able to reconnect with some old friends, but I have found some really great new friends through blogging. I feel like most of you {the ones that I know of anyway} are people that I would get along with well in real life, too.

I never would have thought that I would still be here 200 posts later, but I sure am glad it turned out that way.

1 comment:

  1. She is so much fun right now, I don't want to miss a second!


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