May 16, 2011


There is a long bridge between generational gaps.

There is a younger, female, member of our family who has been causing some serious problems lately for those around her, us included.

About two years ago, mid summer, the trouble started when said family member stole my car. She was only 15 and didn't have her license at the time. Out of respect for her parents we called the police, but chose not to press charges. We knew that if we pressed charges the people that would be most negatively affected would be her mom and dad. They would've been stuck paying her fines, and we didn't feel that would be fair to them.

After the initial shock of what had happened her parents carried out her punishment and the law was never officially involved. It seemed like things were going well and the incident was nearly forgotten.

Fast forward to this past February.

One day Brett and I noticed that there were a few things missing from our house. Naturally my mind shot straight to the car thief. Instead of just outright accusing her, I asked her if she had taken the missing items.  I wanted to give her the opportunity to tell the truth, but she flat out denied it. She lied right to my face without even blinking an eye. Then had the audacity to tell me that she refused to stand there and be accused of something she didn't do. 

After acquiring the proof that I needed to be sure that she was the one who had taken the items in question, we changed the locks on our house. We wanted to make sure this wasn't going to happen again.

I have never been in a situation where I have had my privacy so violated. It is a truly disgusting feeling.

Since all of this has unfolded there have been a few more incidences that have taken place and I have had some brief communication with her. She is delusional. She is under the impression that she has done nothing wrong. Nothing to violate my privacy. Nothing that I have the right to be upset about. She conjured up a story in her head to make me the villain, and she genuinely believes it.  It's really sad.  She has burned that bridge, and I am not interested in repairing it.

Here's what I want to know: what the fuck happened to the generation that followed mine to make them feel so god damn entitled?

They are lazy, and believe that the world should be handed to them on a silver platter. I don't know about you, but I think it's bullshit and I refuse to buy into it!


  1. I couldn't agree with you more. I think it's partially parents. I've noticed with Kenzie's class (Kindergarten) the mom's have to shop at the top stores and give their kids everything. Thank goodness I'm not one to compete like that. BUt when you figure some of these kids have this starting out so early... Then a lot of parents are getting less and less on discipline. I've had a similar experience with one of my own family members that is 19 and oh my that girl thinks the world revolves around her. It's very frustrating.

  2. Seems like every family has at least ONE problem child. Some of us have two or three. I completely empathize...

  3. LOL Michelle.. HA! Do I know any of these two or three? :)

  4. I am sorry you have gone through that Kaylyn.


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