September 4, 2009

Guess what?

Today is Brett's first day working at Home Depot! He has been trying to find a job for a few months now, but with the economy in the shitter like it has been, no one has been hiring. He had an interview about a week and a half ago, and they hired him on the spot. Today he went in to start his training. Isn't this news wonderful? I am so happy for him!

Congratulations babe!


  1. Wait to Go Handy-man Brett! Sad thing is you know more about that shit than most of their employees!
    Chaz's work day won't be quite the same...what ever will he do now that he can't text and call Brett? Jeez...I don't know maybe work!

  2. You mean he quit his other part time job hookin at the pickle park. I bet his #1 client Lance will be pissed.


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