September 4, 2009

Friday frustrations

This is going to be my new Friday segment, I'm going to call it Friday frustrations because it is going to be nothing other than me bitching about things that frustrate me or get on my nerves. If you don't like it when people complain about things that bother them, this is one segment you will want to skip over in the future. Sometimes I just need to vent, so I thought that making my rants into stories for you readers {all five of you} would be a good way to get it all out.

On January 31, 2008 I was driving to work when my allergies flared up, and I started sneezing uncontrollably. This is not an uncommon occurrence for me, in fact I probably sneeze an average of 20 times a day, and this is not an exaggeration. You can ask Brett, he'll clarify it for you.

So anyway, I'm driving along, and the traffic had been the standard morning 'stop and go' that I encounter during nearly every commute, for the last 30 minutes. This is where the sneezing starts. I can't make it stop, and as a result my eyes are closed for a good 10 seconds. When the sneezes finally subside, and I can open my eyes again, the traffic in front of me is at a dead stand still. Shit! I didn't have the time to stop my car, and rear ended the woman in front of me. At this point I am hysterical. Crying, I call Brett to let him know that I had just wrecked my car, and ask him to come to my rescue. I get out of my car, and approach the vehicle in front of me to find a morbidly obese woman on the phone with the police. She gives them the location of the accident, and hangs up the phone. I am still crying and ask her if she is okay, and apologize profusely for the accident that has just occurred. She tells me that she is fine, and nothing is wrong with her, so I am a little relieved.

The police officer shows up, and follows the standard procedure for dealing with this situation. We move the cars off of the freeway to a safer location, and fill out our statements. By this time Brett has arrived, and is trying to calm me down. After we fill out our statements, we trade information and the officer leaves. After he gave me a ticket, that is. Brett and I are standing at this woman's vehicle talking to her to make sure she is, in fact, alright. She reassures us that she is fine, and proceeds to tell us that the last time there was damage to her car, it was hail damage if I remember correctly, she didn't even use the insurance money to fix it. Instead she spent the money on something else. She apparently didn't care about the damage that I had caused, which was a very minimal crack to her rear bumper, because she didn't get out of her vehicle once to inspect the damage. Not once.

Our insurance allows one accident every five years or so without raising our premiums, so after a few weeks, once my car was fixed, I had pretty much forgotten about the whole situation.

Fast forward a year and a half to this past May. Brett's dad {who's insurance policy we are on} gets a letter from the insurance company saying that the woman who's car I hit sued our insurance. SHE SUED OUR INSURANCE FOR $78,000!!! Can you believe it? $78,000 for being 'just fine' when the accident occurred. Her car isn't worth $5,000 and she told us that she didn't have any injuries. She was suing for medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, and the value of her vehicle. The worst part of this whole thing is, our insurance settled with her instead of fighting her in court, and wrote the bitch a check for $25,000.

I hate liars! It pisses me off so bad when people do shit like this, and get away with it. There was no reason in the world for her to sue. My car is the one that took all of the damage, and she had no injuries when it happened. She was totally dishonest, and now she has a fat check in her pocket, that she's not even going to use to fix her car. I wish I could send her a letter and tell her how rotten she is.

Karma is a bitch though, and I know that she'll get what's coming to her.


  1. SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME! When I was living in California I rear-ended a guy. HE WAS 'FINE' when the accident happened...then he turned around and went sue happy! Son-of-a-bitch! After MONTHS of questioning, blah-blah-blah he dropped the case. WHY? Because it was ridiculous and he had nothing to back him up!


  2. None Other Than Mr. AnonymousSeptember 4, 2009 at 2:48 PM

    Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch, that's nothing new Kaylyn

  3. Our insurance didn't even tell us that this had happened until the settlement check had been sent to her.

    I really hate it when people take advantage of other people.

    It makes my blood boil!!

  4. I used to work in auto medical claims and the stuff I had to deny because of people like her...I had to leave the job.

    People are ass holes. Sorry you had to go through that!

  5. No way!!! I would want to hunt her down and beat her up too. What a freakin jerk. Crazy crazy!

    So of course your name suggestion is so perfect! ;) Lynner I think would be the winner. Lynner Robinson is just what we had in mind. :) You are too cute.

  6. I remember when that accident happened. That stupid lady!!! She is a cheat! I like to refer to people like her as "crooked". I don't know why, but for some reason it just sounds cool, to call someone crooked. haha. But anyway, that really sucks.

  7. Oh man I would kill someone. Good story though! Just sorry it had to happen to you :(


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