September 18, 2009

Friday frustrations

I'm just going to throw it out there: I really hate stupid drivers.

I have a serious road rage problem, and the idiots that inhabit I-15 on a daily basis aren't helping.

I can't stand it when traffic is at a standstill for an hour, and then just out of the blue it picks up for no reason. No accidents, no debris, no construction, no explanation. It's ridiculous.

I also really hate it when you can clearly see that the road is being reduced ahead, and the people in the lane next to you need to merge into your lane, but they choose not to. Instead they decide to wait until the last second to cut you off and slow everyone else behind you down to a crawl. Don't people realize that if they would merge into your lane earlier, when the sign says they should, then everything would continue moving along quickly? Obviously not!

I could seriously go on about it forever because it is one of my biggest pet peeves, but I'll just leave it at that.

What's your biggest traffic annoyance?


  1. Shay: I really have a hard time driving with people that drive like they in Nascar. I won't name any names...Brett...but fast jerky movements and my tummy don't mix! And yes Brett...I know I drive like a more than 5 over!

  2. Shay: I would day M.A.V.'s (Mormon Assault Vehicles aka mini-vans) scare the crap outta me. The kids are in the back screaming, she's driving and eating her lunch on the run, and talking on the phone while, telling the kids to "Please be quiet!" Scarier than a intoxicated driver!


Come on! Tell us what's on your mind. You know you want to....